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Contacts & Resources

Anonymous Reporting

You have the following options to report incidents:

Titan Concern Form

Navy Document icon with an exclamation mark

Students can submit anonymous communication regarding safety of themselves or others to Glenbrook South.

Submit a Concern

Learn More About Reporting a Concern


Navy square bubble with a "T" inside.

Text-a-Tip is a 24/7 anonymous text-communication system for youth needing immediate mental health assistance for themselves or a friend.

Students can text "GBS HELP" and their message to (844) 823-5323.

Call 911

Nacy Phone Icon with waves coming out of phone

If you believe that the safety of yourself or someone else is at immediate risk, CALL 911.

Contacting the School

Important Phone Numbers

Main: (847) 729-2000

Athletic Office: (847) 486-4424

Attendance Office

Bookstore: (847) 486-4407

Bus Services:

Deans' Office: (847) 486-4453

Food Services: (847) 486-4407

Nurses' Office: (847) 486-4498

Student Activities Office: (847) 486-4671

Student Services Office: (847) 486-4528

Technology Help Desk: (847) 486-4555


Office Hours: 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
School Hours: 8 a.m.–3:15 p.m.

View Class and Bell Schedule >

Main Office

The main office is home to the art gallery and offices of the principals, two associate principals and their assistants.

Athletics Office

The Athletics program at GBS helps students develop leadership and collaboration skills, as well as focus and determination, in and out of the classroom. Our Athletic Training program provides comprehensive health care for all GBS student athletes.


The Attendance Office offers assistance for families with students who are absent, arrive late or have an early departure.


Beck’s bookstore, located in our school, offers services such as Chromebook distribution and repair, instructional materials, student IDs, and school fee payments.

Deans' Office

The Dean's Office oversees issues related to student behavior and supports students throughout their education. We are committed to providing a safe learning environment for students and staff, and we are a resource for the GBS community.

Food Services

Our dining program, including the Bistro, the Café, and the Coffee Bar, is run in partnership with Quest Food. The program provides service for breakfast and lunch and offers a wide variety of food and beverage options.

Nurses' Office

The Glenbrook South Nurses' Office is available to all students during school hours. Led by a Certified School Nurse, the nursing team provides services for students and families.

Student Activities Office

Glenbrook South High School is proud to offer over 100 clubs and organizations with a wide range of opportunities within the four A’s: Activities, Arts, Athletics, and Academics.

Student Services Office

Each student is assigned a school counselor for all four years for academic advising, ocial-emotional and post-secondary counseling.

Technology Help Desk

Our Technology Help Desk provides support of district owned devices and network access and assist with inquires in accessing our systems.