Glenbrook South Instrumental League
The Glenbrook South Instrumental Leagues is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Being a parent of a band student automatically makes you a member of the GBSIL. No special enrollment is required! Simply sign up for the mailing list to receive regular communications about band activities. There are many opportunities for you to help with the band program throughout the year. See our Volunteer page for details.
The GBSIL Board is composed of officers and committee heads who facilitate the GBSIL activities throughout the year. View the Board and their contact information. The board is established each year in the Spring. Contact if you’re willing to step up into an executive role or co-lead a support team. Board members provide active leadership and contribute to the GBS Band Program’s decades-long legacy of success.
Board meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month, beginning at 7 p.m. in the Student Activities Office. All band parents are welcome to attend.
The GBSIL Board maintains a strong and cooperative relationship with the band staff, school administrators, and District 225 Board of Education. The policies of GBSIL will always confirm with those established by Glenbrook South High School and District 225.
GBSIL Bylaws
- Article I – Official Name and Fiscal Year
- Article II – Objectives
- Article III – Policies
- Article IV – Membership
- Article V – Officers and Board of Directors
- Article VI – Meetings
- Article VII – Finance
- Article VIII – Elections
- Article IX – Authority and Procedure
- Article X – Amendments
- Article XI – Dissolution
Article I – Official Name and Fiscal Year
Article II – Objectives
The objectives of this organization shall be:
To promote the school and community interest in the Instrumental Music Program of Glenbrook South High School. The Instrumental Music Program includes personnel (students, music directors, and other support staff) and activities (such as performances, competitions, camps, and rehearsals) of the marching, symphonic, concert, and jazz bands.
To provide supplemental financial support to the Instrumental Music Program of Glenbrook South High School.
To cooperate with those in charge of the Instrumental Music Program at Glenbrook South High School to the end that this program operates at the highest possible degree of excellence.
At no time shall it be the objective of the organization to interfere with or attempt to influence the planning or functioning of the school administration or its curriculum.
Article III – Policies
Article IV – Membership
The membership of this organization shall be open to and include the parents and guardians of all students in the Instrumental Music Program of Glenbrook South High School as well as all instructional personnel in the instrumental program of the music department at Glenbrook South High School. Membership may be extended to other adults at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Article V – Officers and Board of Directors
A. A Board of Directors, herein also designated the Board, shall govern this organization.
The Board shall consist of the following:
- The Band Director
- The four Officers of this organization. They are the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary.
- The Chairs, and where applicable Co-Chairs, of the standing committees.
The Principal of Glenbrook South High School and the School Administration Advisor or designated representative will sit on the Board in an advisory capacity.
The four Officers and the Band Director form the Executive Committee of the Board.
B. Duties:
- President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization, and be ex-officio member of all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
- Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence and shall organize and coordinate all fundraising activities.
- Secretary: The Secretary shall keep records and minutes of all meetings and a file of all official correspondence with external organizations. The Secretary will also prepare and distribute minutes and notices of meetings.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds, shall deposit and disburse the same as directed by the Board, and shall prepare and present financial statements at all Board meetings. The Treasurer shall prepare and file all necessary tax related forms, and inform the students of the fundraising balances in their student accounts.
- Chairs and Co-Chairs of standing committees shall perform those duties as designated by the President. Each committee may have either one Chair or two Co-Chairs who function coequally. A third Co-Chair can be added to the nominated slate prior to the Annual Meeting upon approval by the Board. There shall be no more than twenty Chairs/Co-Chairs in total.
C. Qualifications of Officers, Chairs, and Co-Chairs
- All Officers, Chairs, and Co-Chairs must be members of this organization. Should at any time an Officer, Chair, or Co-Chair resign from their position or not qualify to be a member of this organization, then that position shall automatically become vacant at the time of such resignation or disqualification.
- The Board of Directors shall fill any vacancy on the Board of Directors. Notice must be sent to the general membership informing them of the vacancy and specifying when the Board meeting will be held to vote on the appointment of a replacement Board member.
- In the event that the vacancy is an Officer position, the Board of Directors shall elect from its membership a person to fill that office for the remainder of the unexpired term.
- Additional positions in the offices of Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer may be established at the discretion of the Band Director and/or the School Administration Advisor with the consent of the Board of this organization. Each such position shall have all privileges provided to members of the Executive Board and have its own vote in all matters before the Executive Board or the Board. Responsibilities to be fulfilled by each position will be determined by the Band Director and/or the School Administration Advisor with the consent of the Board.
Article VI – Meetings
There shall be a minimum of five regular general meetings of the membership of this organization. The last general meeting during the school year shall be designated the Annual Meeting. All members of this organization shall be notified of all general meetings and their time and place. Twelve members shall constitute a quorum for all general meetings.
The Board of Directors shall have a minimum of six regular meetings. All members of the Board of Directors must be notified prior to a special Board meeting. The Band Director and each Officer shall each have one vote on any motion before the Board; each committee shall have only one vote on any motion regardless of the number of Chairs or Co-Chairs of the committee. Seven members shall constitute a quorum for all Board meetings.
The President or a majority of the Board of Directors may call special meetings of either the membership or the Board as the need arises.
Article VII – Finance
The organization shall generate funds through projects, donations, bequests, and other voluntary means.
An Annual Financial Report is to be prepared by the Treasurer and presented at the Annual Meeting and filed with the Band Director and the Principal of Glenbrook South High School or designated representative.
No officer or director may receive payment for services except for reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses.
An independent review shall be performed annually.
Article VIII – Elections
The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three members at least two months before the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee will be composed of parents of outgoing seniors. This committee will prepare a slate of candidates for Officers, Chairs, and Co-Chairs for presentation at the Annual Meeting. The list of candidates for these positions shall be sent to the general membership at least 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
These nominations shall be voted on and elected at the Annual Meeting.
A majority vote of the members present shall constitute an election to office in this organization.
All new Officers, committee Chairs and Co-Chairs shall assume their duties effective starting the fiscal year, June 1. The term of office shall be for one year or until their successors have been elected.
The Board of Directors must consist of at least one parent of a band student from each class, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior.
Article IX – Authority and Procedure
Article X – Amendments
Article XI – Dissolution
Parent volunteers play a major role in the success of the GBS Band Program. We have a lot of fun and it’s a great way to see your students in action. Click on the links below to volunteer for some of the fun activities.
A variety of roles are needed throughout the year. No prior experience is necessary and ALL parents (and grandparents, aunts & uncles) are welcome to sign up whenever you’re available.
Don’t worry if it’s your first time. Be sure and check in with the coordinator upon arrival. Team leads will provide a full explanation of responsibilities prior to the event.
We’re also on the lookout for those handful of parents who’ll step up and become part of the GBSIL Board. Whether it’s in an executive role or co-leading a support team, board members provide active leadership and have been an essential component of the GBS Band Program and a legacy of success that stretches back decades.
GBSIL Fundraising
- As each fundraiser is kick-off, details will be communicated to students and parents . Flyers and forms will be placed in a display outside the band room.
- Collect all paperwork and payments into an envelope marked with the student’s name and phone number. Place in the mail slot in the band office.
- Payments by Check? They should be made payable to GBSIL.
- Fundraised money and all required paperwork must be turned in on time. Most suppliers will NOT accept late or revised submissions, so orders received past the announced deadline might have to be returned.
Band Trip
Traveling with the band is one of the most exciting aspects of the GBS music experience. Every other year, a major trip will be scheduled for the marching band. Oftentimes a separate trip will be arranged for the jazz band and GSO on the off years.
Trip destinations are selected by the Band Directors and submitted for approval to the District 225 Board of Education and the GBSIL Board. Trips will coincide with a school break and are arranged to minimize the number of school days missed.
Over the years, the band has participated in national events such as the Gator Bowl in Jacksonville, FL, the Fiesta Bowl in Phoenix, the Hollywood Christmas Parade in Hollywood, Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in New York City, the Oahu Music Festival in Honolulu, the Holiday Bowl in San Diego and the Disney Thanksgiving Parade in Orlando, FL.
A professional travel agency arranges all aspects of the trip and manages the payment schedule. Every effort is made to keep travel expenses low, and the GBSIL conducts numerous fundraisers to help students offset the trip costs. With major trips planned on a staggered basis, students can have 2 years in which to fundraise.
An initial deposit is paid when registering for the trip. Funds from the student’s fundraising account can be applied to subsequent installments. If the account’s balance can accommodate the entire cost of the trip, the deposit will be refunded.
A limited number of partial trip scholarships may be available for students with demonstrated financial need. Contact the band director to discuss options.
Fundraising Accounts
The profits from a student’s fundraising efforts are recorded in their personal account. While a small portion is allocated to a general GBSIL trip fund, the balance can be applied to band trips, the program fee or uniform items. The account is maintained throughout their time in the band program. Upon graduation, the remaining money may be transferred to a sibling’s account or to the scholarship fund. Funds cannot be returned as cash to the student.