Glenbrook South’s Government clubs foster an environment that encourages broader discussions about local, national and global societal issues in order to develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.
They are encouraged to take on leadership roles, organize events and collaborate with their peers. By actively participating in these clubs, students gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become informed, active citizens who can positively contribute to their communities and make a difference.
Government Clubs & Organizations Directory
This club’s mission is rooted in a commitment to the rights, dignity, and well-being of every person on earth. Explore world issues, and you can make a difference.
This club's mission is to educate GBS students about the profession of law and develop public speaking, research, and decision-making skills that will be useful when pursuing careers in the future. We will explore many different occupations that involve law, as well as engage in fun activities at every meeting. There will be professional speakers, student-led presentations, and discussions surrounding current court cases. Come to Law Club if you're interested!
The GBS Student Council is the epitome of involvement, from Homecoming to Canned Food Drive to Prom, to Spring Fling and everything in-between.
Do you want to change a policy? Help plan a major event? Raise money for community causes? Any student is eligible to run for President, Vice President, or Representative of their class. Have some experience and want to go even higher up the ladder? Run for the Student Council Executive Board (President or Vice President). If you don't have the time to be an elected official, you can still join in the fun. Come to the Class Board meetings to be part of the team
Students for Human Rights is an organization dedicated to understanding and promoting human rights around the world. We seek opportunities to advocate for oppressed peoples at home and abroad.