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World Languages

Language is at the heart of all human interaction.
To learn another language is to engage in new ways of seeing, thinking, interacting, and communicating. Language learners develop skills to effectively communicate with others and connect to the global world.  Authentic images, video, audio, music, and literature from target cultures are used to help students develop interpretive skills and to deepen their understanding of cultural perspectives.  Curriculum is designed to foster students’ growth as they work towards the World Readiness Standards (ACTFL, 2015) in each GBS language program: American Sign Language, French, German, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and Spanish for Heritage Learners.

GBS students should end their language sequence with the ability to address the following questions: 

  • How does communication allow me to gain and share information about self, others, and the world?  How do people use a variety of simple and complex structures to communicate the same thing? 
  • How are language and culture interdependent? How is life influenced by cultural products, practices, and perspectives? How do language and culture influence identity?

We offer courses in the following languages: